Vester's Voyages

Vester decided to supervise me this morning and followed me right into Kboo's kittens' room, as if he belonged there.

They have the upstairs library, really it's our retro music room with several older stereos. One short-wave hi-fi from the '50s with presets for "Munchen", West Berlin, and The Vatican -- extremely good condition -- found it at a Teen Challenge Thrift Store for $25!!!
The other is a huge cabinet model, over seven feet in length, from the mid-60s. Found it at a Hwy 61 Yard Sale, only $20, brought it home sticking out the back end of our Mazda. Everything works on it, too. And we have a '40s model that we're restoring that will go up to the library when we're done. Ha. Never done around here.

Good that Jason and I both like the same things... and the solid wood of all the stereos mean the kittens can't do any damage that we can't repair.
But... Vester went right in, explored a bit, then started playing with Terry, Jimmy, and Howie, as if he was a sibling. No hissing, spitting, rough play. Just romping around with the three younger kittens, age nine weeks, going on full-grown, for attitude.

They also know how to change channels on "their" smaller radio. We rotate between a mix of talk radio, soft rock, and oldies. So far, they all seem to prefer the oldies channel. Wonder why? Surrounded by retro radios!